Seasonal emotional diagnosis: what season am I in my life?

My emotional profile of the season

Our nature, feminine as masculine, is often still an underground world, buried under our various masks, played out in society.

This underground world is the universe of the unconscious, of shadow and of mystery. As the moon shines in the darkness. It is the reflection of the sun, and allying with us in its perpetual cosmic cycles. All living things and the elements follow this rhythm, minerals, plants, animals ...


If we are to flourish in our life, let us follow the known rhythms of the essence of life: gardening, sowing, planting, and dying and being reborn in accordance with the cycles of the seasons of the Earth. So we can pick and harvest.

Connecting our feminine pole and our masculine pole, our interiority and our actions, making them both more efficient and magical, listening to our heart, our inner guides. From this research comes the realization of our potentials, of ourselves.

By answering different questions, by following the seasons of the calendar, by refocusing, we can determine at this moment, with which emotional season we are connected, and thus calm down and unite with this cosmic force of which we have need, both emotionally, physically and intellectually.

The personalized diagnosis proposed by So Ca Pousse ?, specialist in Nature and our link to the cycles of the seasons, holistic cosmetic creation for authentic beauty:

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